
Make Selling Great Again

First, before I get into this, I don't want your Anti-Trump Bs... That's not what this is about. I just used that saying as click bait to get you to open it, because like him or not, that shit works lol.

It's no secret that 2020 fucked up sales. Many of us were told we are non-essential. We were told not to knock doors. We got no offices open to cold call. Shit really threw a wrench in the game for us all.  That being said, I know how to make selling great again, and it's not as complicated as you may be thinking.

I've been saying this for years, but most folks didn't belive me. They prolly didn't belive me because they weren't forced to do anything about it, but I'm one of those guys who always likes to be prepared for worst case scenario. Well, in March of this year worst case scenario happened. Many of us lost a job. Our prospects told us they wanted to wait shit out before buying and worst of all, the companies we sold for closed.

That doesn't mean it's the end of you sales career though, so don't panic.

The truth is, things are changing and you can either change with them or perish because of the change. I'd like to assume you're too smart to let change kill your career so let me help you adapt quickly and get back to earning big money like you were before this shit storm slapped us in the face.

The methods of selling have NOT changed. Its just the modality that's changing.

This means how you sell is staying the exact same. It's just that where you sell is changing.

For example, you used to cold call businesses and executives in their office. Now you need to reach out to them and connect with them on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram. Who you sell to is the same, it's just how you find them that's changed. It's much harder to figure out the C-Level executives personal phone number, but it's easy to find them online.

Another example is that you used to pop up at an office and pitch the gatekeeper to let you in. Now you can go to the company website and get the executive's email and send them a video of you demonstrating your product. Making a video is the closest thing to face-to-face as you can get. Often times it's even better. People have been condition to belive those on screens hold a higher authority. So being on a video places you in a higher authority with them subconsciously.

You don't have to change your pitch.
You don't have to change your product.
You don't have to change your personality.

All you gotta change is how you find and connect with prospects.

Now I know some of you are gonna read this and say dumb shit like "my clients aren't on social media" which is a lie. They may not be super active on there, but they are on there. When you send a message, comment or share someone's post on social media they usually get an email, a text and even a push notification on their phone. So even if they aren't that active on there, you engaging with them will get their attention in other ways.

I work with and sell to all types of executives, millionaires and billion dollar producers. They are all on social media, they just usually aren't as active as small fish. That doesn't mean it don't work though. It may take more finesse, but it's always worth it when you close them.

So how do you get good at making sales in the modern era? Training!

I've composed a massively discounted training package that will teach you how to prospect, sell and close online. Learn it, do it and it will be like you never missed a beat. You'll turn the second half of 2020 into a gold mine of sales for you.

Here's the details of the deal I have for you:

Here's what you can get to start this process:
Funnel Closer - $997
-Teaches you how to profit $1k+ for selling sales funnels
Break Free Academy Digital $1997
-Start to finish course on dominating social media
Community Commissions - $497
-Teaches you how to grow a Facebook group and profit from it
Copy Class - $97
-Teaches you to write social media posts, blogs, emails and sales pages
Closer Memes - $97
-Shows you how to make memes to follow up with sales prospects and close them
Own It Academy - $197
-The ultimate mindset course on how to beat addiction, get rid of your mental baggage and win against the Force of Average
Million Dollar Mastermind Replays 2018, 2019, 2020 - $1497
-Our annual event with top tier speakers and 1000s of audience members
Social Media Mastery - $197
-Learn the fundamentals of making millions from organically using social media
PhoneSites Unlimited 1 Year - $1188
-The fastest and easiest way to make websites and sales funnels from your phone or desktop. Includes unlimited pages, emails and texts
Total Value - $6764
Your Price today - just $267
That's a $6,497 discount!!!!
This deal goes away in a few days, don't miss out on the biggest discount I've ever given